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Gen V.K.Singh Retired

A Soldier who hanged up his boots today after 42 years of service of the Nation.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

good night sleep well..

Behind every soldier who adorns the uniform there lies the courage of an even stronger woman who had a heart big enough to risk her most priced possession, her reason for existence her everything for the cause of the country... She who gave birth she who tugged him harder, she who will face life harder than death. Lets not forget the efforts this otherwise ordinary woman-the nameless hero. good night sleep well.. jai hind ...

to be an army wife

to be an army wife is not an easy job.. the green that he wears is now not his , but mine too. i may not be going on fields like him, i may not be wearing the medals across my chest, i may not be holding the gun, but i have my own battles to fight. his putting on the uniform, the thoughts of "him" leaving, the sight of his vehicle's dimming lights. the thoughts of rearing up the children all by myself while he is gone. the thoughts of battlefields, the...

Tharki Pawar's Partymen Invites Sunny Leon

Tharki Pawar's Partymen Invites Sunny Leon as chief guest in Pune for dahi handi. Nothing can be more shameful when a 'Porn Star' takes the seat of a Mentor for kids and youths. Guess we have forgotten our heroic Inspirations which our nations has delivered. will these politicians ask their children and loved ones to become like her? good going INDIA...

It is YOU who belong to this LAND

When the Blood in your Veins returns to the Sea, When the Earth in your Bones returns to the Ground, perhaps then you will remember that this Land does not belong to YOU. It is YOU who belong to this LAND !!!! Jai Hin...

MP, Uttarakhand floods

MP, Uttarakhand floods: Army, IAF launch rescue ops The Indian Air Force in coordination with civil administration is facilitating the smooth evacuation of stranded pilgrims from Harshil and Uttarkashi in Uttarakhand. Ten army columns are involved in rescue operations in Uttarkashi-Gangotri area. Army is providing succour in the form of medical aid, hot food and other assistance to stranded pilgrims. Two army aviation helicopters are operating...